Hopeful Conversations


Choose your Package:

Coaching on tap

Coaching on tap

Do you hope for happier, solution focused…better performing people?

Proactively support your employee’s mental health and wellbeing with:

  • Confidential, expert Coaching, separate from the business

  • A conversation about anything: good or bad, work or personal

  • Budget for and buy as many days as the business needs, when you need it

  • 5 x 60 minute, 1:1 coaching sessions per day/block purchased

  • Online and anywhere through Zoom, at a convenient time

  • Reduce the impact on Management in terms of time and stress

  • Increase staff performance, engagement and retention

  • A solution focused approach seeks to understand one’s hopes, strengths, and possibilities for a better future

  • Solution focus work requires less time than traditional problem-focused therapeutic approaches, with an average of 4-5 sessions instead of…. ummmm… years?

Invest in Coaching on tap.

£1,000 per block of 5 sessions.

Better is always possible: with hope.

Executive Coaching

Executive Coaching

Want insight, understanding and individual time & attention?

Hope to feel calm, focused, energised, successful, and happy?

Do you lead, coach and mentor others readily, but really need to carve out your own ‘time to think?’

Define your ideal future and co-create solutions by noticing what you hope for, what is working and helpful possibilities.

Optional psychometric assessments of your strengths & leadership style?

Executive Coaching packages start at £3,250.

Better is always possible: with hope.


Team Coaching

Wish to build hopeful, better performing, solution focused teams?

Post-covid team fatigue?

A collection of individuals, rather than a team?

Have previous, well intentioned attempts at improving communication and team moral, opened a ‘can of worms’?… You are not alone!

Get an injection of hope and start a conversation today about better team engagement.

Co-create positive, solution focused conversations and foster hopeful minds.

Optional team profiling tools available.

Team Coaching packages start at approximately:

£5,250 for a team of 4 and £8,250 for a team of 8.

Better is always possible: with hope.


CEO Coaching

CEO Coaching

Need a safe place to check in with yourself? It’s here.

It’s lonely at the top.

No doubt you co-create solutions with others a lot. But how often do you access your own ‘time to think’?

Clearly, you’ve earned career growth & success already. But what do you hope for? What could be even better?

Anything and everything is welcome in this confidential space - personal or professional, good and bad, your aspirations and fears. Define your ideal future and spend time generating ideas, possibilities and solutions with CEO Coaching.

Tailor your personal experience with us. Packages generally include optional psychometric assessment profiling and feedback, plus a minimum of 6 Coaching sessions.

Packages from £4,275.

Better is always possible: with hope.

Hoping for better times, but not sure where to start?

Book a free 15 min call here.